Breaking the perimeter by exploiting routing-based SSRF via a misconfigured load balancer
Partial disclosure of a bug bounty report: breaking the perimeter by exploiting routing-based SSRF via a misconfigured load balancer.
Partial disclosure of a bug bounty report: breaking the perimeter by exploiting routing-based SSRF via a misconfigured load balancer.
Review of my experience at the HackerNight live hacking event in RootedCON and how I got the first blood on one of the customers.
Writeup of the machine Diff3r3ntS3c from VulNyx.
Writeup of the machine HackingStation from VulNyx.
Partial disclosure of a bug bounty report: human 1 - sqlmap 0, defeating automation through manual exploitation.
Partial disclosure of a bug bounty report: reflected XSS bypassing hidden input tag and auto-submit script in a form.
Partial disclosure of a bug bounty report: subdomain takeover via unclaimed Azure VM.
Partial disclosure of a bug bounty report: reflected XSS through POST request in a login form.
Partial disclosure of a bug bounty report: reflected XSS in search filter clear button in an e-commerce website.
Partial disclosure of a bug bounty report: TE.TE HTTP request smuggling obfuscating the TE header.